Tag: Begenning

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சென்னையின் ஏக்கம்!

வெயிலில் தேங்காய் தண்ணீர்க்கு ஏங்கிய உயிர்கள், இப்பவும் ஏங்குகிறது… தேங்கா தண்ணீருக்காக!!!

It was Mukk’s B’Day!

16th Oct ’15 That was that fine day that i really felt to do something for this child. So I had to tell some cooked…

53 hours of sleepless Hardwork – Part I

I was sitting in front of my CINEMA 4D in desktop. While resizing the selected parts of the object, I got a message! It said…

Every credit tells something about the next title!!

1:34 pm “Sir., can we enter the hall?”, Kaushik and myself were in a hurry to bubble the OMR sheets that we really felt as…