Month: <span>June 2021</span>

Recent Posts
Misunderstanding arises, if you Miss Understanding something

A couple of weeks back during one of our leads sync up at Think-Digital, I accidentally lost my temper which lead to misunderstanding! I usually…

Is it true that our Schooling System is burning out?🔥

Indeed, the Schools are burning out 🥵 This may not be a Transition for the Education system itself, but the perspective towards it! For the…

Thinking is Simple, but Actionable is hard!

Thinking is the most important thing that anyone can do to be successful. How simple is that, isn’t it? You just have to think! Yes,…

How to Connect MetaMask to Angular Web using Truffle & Ganache

I assume if you are here, you have already set up your local environment with Truffle and Ganache and have the MetaMask extension installed on…

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