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Roadmap to Enter Your Dream Company in UI/UX Design

Entering the world of UI/UX design can feel daunting, especially when aiming for top companies. But don’t worry! I’ve got a tried-and-true roadmap to guide…

Alternate Career Options to Data Analytics

Are you a fresher wondering about a career in data analytics? With the explosion of data in every industry, data analytics has become a sought-after…

You are not a king, to have someone write your history for you

Have you observed that in every King’s life history, there’s always something in the extravaganza. Ever wondered how they could’ve done that? 🎬 Watch this…

3 Tools to help you build a gateway for your portfolio | INEA

Your online portfolio is spread across different platforms, but you need a powerful gateway that leads to all of them! A gateway is a simple…