Celebrate the New Year?

This is not to hurt anyone or to point someone out. Just read and think about it!

Somehow everyone’s 2015 sprinted and passed the baton to the next runner 2016. It’s a relay race, and., there is no such winning in every baton change! But you achieve something in every run and make a huge success in the life, as a race!!

This is the  way that the year passes. Just for a single change of baton, if we start enjoying then we will fail to motivate the next year that has started it’s run. May be you can say it as a motivation when you celebrate the start of a new year. But, let it be constructive! We can’t expect everyone to understand this and I don’t expect you all to change abruptly. But just think…

  • What have you achieved in the lost year?
  • What are you planning to achieve for the gift year (new year)?
  • Who has captured your heart?
  • Who has benefited you and who was benefited by you?
  • What have you sacrificed and for whom?
  • Whom have you hurt for your selfishness?
  • What is the best moment that you have spent with your parents/relatives?

These thoughts might have so many answers flashing in your mind. Not everyone will have answers for all these questions. Some might get a single incident. Some might get a lot of experiences flashing out. Some might not have any incidents. You know what is good. Try to improve the good terms with everyone. Love the people around you instead of picking someone special  for it unless time and age permits.

Spending all your money on this very first day is not advised to a good human. We better save that money for the further acts and achievements in the gift year! If you feel that you are a great achiever, and if you think that you are the most successful person among all the other people, at least care for the people around you who must have been a helper for you in some way or the other.

When you burst a cracker, you just see the number of shots that it makes. But., give some time to see the number of kids/people who just enjoy by watching what you do. Don’t feel pity on them. They are not losing anything. It’s you who is losing the money! When you lose the money, at least don’t disturb other people’s life. The most horrible thing on the day was the New year eve tragedy: Seven family members die in fire disaster. Accidents may occur at any time. Keep expecting the worst to occur on whatever you do. Celebrate in a constructive manner. If not, at least make sure that it is not destructive.

My objective is not this disaster. I’m not showing this one to make you all stop the celebrations. It’s every man’s right to do anything that he wishes. Any good human has no right to change your activities or minds. But I have the right to speak what I feel and those who feel worthy kindly think about it. Let’s not waste a day for celebrating the lost year or the gift year. Let’s wish each and every one for a happier life in the gifted year. Let’s think about the above things and march towards a peaceful and successful life.

If you don’t agree with what I have said, then just Ignore it! 🙂

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