WPS for college students?

Before you begin reading further, please ensure an understanding of the significance and reckoning perspective of WPS.

A college student is someone who has picked up his course towards his destination. We cannot be of great help to the students of non-IT departments in their technical aspects. Hence, we have narrowed it down to an extent that is very well feasible for us.

Basically, WPS is no complex. It is just a Weekend Productive Session. Meaning, the students get to interact with their mentors on the weekends for a maximum of one hour unless agreed by the mentor. A mentor in the WPS session will be either a senior member of the team or an alumni

A senior member is someone who has a good understanding of at least one of the domains present in the team. It varies from Web/Mobile design/development, Graphic designing, Media, IoT, Machine learning, Blockchain, etc. An alumnus is someone who also has the above knowledge as well as a huge experience from the corporate, higher studies, or startup environments. It’s their lot of experiences that will be shed upon the mentees both technically as well as non-technically with compassion when required.

During the given one hour time frame, the student has the freedom to express his passion in his career. He can come up with real-life scenarios where he is facing hurdles to achieve his goals. At a high level, the mentor is expected to express compassion towards the emotions of the student mentee. We trust our members who take up the mentor role. They are capable of lending ears to the speaker.

Some of the basic guidelines to complete the 8 weeks programme and become a permanent member:

1. All the members must attend the 8 weeks of recruitment workshop (mentorship programme).

2. The First-week workshop is mandatory since it is when we provide you with an overview of the complete programme.

3. A minimum of 7 weeks workshop should be attended by any registered member.

4. If you happen to miss attending any technical sessions, recordings might be available only in case of prior notice.

5. If you are not present for 2 consecutive weeks, you are considered to be not interested in the process and will be kicked off the server.

6. Sessions and Demos will not be rescheduled by any chance.

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