Weekend Productive Session, shortly known as WPS is a successful series of events being held to enhance productive weekends for predictive career growth.
When there’s a lot happening in a second, can you imagine how much we might have missed in the past ~2 years? What happened in these 2 years? We all know, the pandemic has been a great threat for most of us across the globe. However, it has also been a great opportunity to stay with our family and work on our personal growth.

Be it a toddler who was about to begin school life, or a secondary school student who has just passed to higher secondary without exams and confused choosing groups, be it a student who is confused about choosing a college course, or a college student attending placements or internships, be it a person who just stepped out of college looking for job offers, or an IT employee looking for a job change due to layoffs and decrements; these 2 years have been really hard for everyone to figure out the next move. These are the times when life’s crucial decisions are made and one has to ensure being confident about their decisions.
But what leads to a confident decision? A confident decision is when we are aware of the need and understand where we are travelling towards in our life. Lacking this knowledge may lead us to end up with a path suggested by people around us, that was not meant for us.
WPS for School Students:
From what I have seen so far, if a school student living with his parents need to be moulded, then it’s his parents who are supposed to be moulded. This is so true considering the current situation. They spend almost all of their daily time with the parents, unlike the pre-pandemic situation where they spend most of their time in school.
If you are a parent, reading this for your kid, you obviously know or trying to know what your kid lacks with mere online classes from school. Have you ever got a chance to think of the below questions?
Are the online classes from schools efficient?
Are the kids developing the skills they need at this point of their age?

Online classes do a great job in completing the syllabus assigned for the class by the school. But what are those best essentials our kids miss in their daily life?
A favourite teacher’s direct assistance
Physical team activities
A Human exposure
Digesting critics
Exposure to a reality
Parents also must ensure their kids develop skills like networking with people, building trust and relationships within a team, organizing competitive events, public speaking, etc. Parents should make their kids aware of the wide range of career options available to take after their school. May it be college, internship, or something different.
For college students:
If you had your first or second year of college life gone online, then you probably could have not realized how much you have missed more than your seniors.

College is where we usually implement what they have learnt in their school. We form new friends circles, take leadership roles, participate and organize events, practise better communication, form a team or community, perform activities for a cause, raise funds, establish our personal brand, create contents and document them, make critical decisions, manage the crisis. It has become a necessity to be a step ahead of everyone in this crisis. Are you taking the necessary steps to get exposure from what we have right now?
WPS for jobseekers:
If you are a person looking for a job after college, or someone looking for a job change, you have to be self-aware if you possess the skill-set required for the job. Also, know the different ways to attract your profile for the next vacancy. Don’t keep posting that you are jobless. Do something about it.
Be clear enough of what you can expect from a company and what a company may expect from you, and to what extent you need to be committed to your company?
Considering this pandemic, everything is getting online. Even those walk-in interviews are happening online. This can be an amazing opportunity to crack your interviews. Though there is a lack of personal touch you might be able to exhibit in a direct face to face interview, do you know, how much huge opportunity it is to be interviewed via online mediums?

This is the time to get ready with your portfolio. Your 2 pages CV or Resume is losing its value by the days passing by. Most of our code samples, projects, opensource, and community contributions are best viewed online. It is very hard to Express the code and the contributions when sitting in a room without access to phones. Keep building up your portfolio, more than just your CV. Do you have a portfolio website?
For startups/businesses:
This is your time of survival to establish your online presence! This is not a question of just being present, but also consistently providing value to your potential customers and satisfying your existing customers. In spite of all the hurdles you have been crossing, you already know that pre-pandemic situations were much in favour of you.

As everything is becoming online, this is your survival question to ask yourself, if you have to take a major step to build your brand. Building a brand might sound quite simple, but adding value to it does not. A brand has t o be established across a community, especially if your target is your customers directly. Your customers are people and they trust a person than a new brand. So, there comes a need for a personal brand over mere an established brand, to build the trust and ensure commitment to your customer service.
Starting up something is not simple. You have already done that. Now, you are capable of taking it to the next level aligning with your vision.
Well, as we have asked all the questions to ourselves, it’s definite that we have come up with some simple mind maps to take our next steps! While most of us are trying to rise to a better level, many are still finding it hard because they are not yet clear on what to do next, and what their fellow people are up to. They are yet to be exposed to the realization of where the world is moving towards! All it needs is a small tweak in the consistent steps we are taking every day for our goal. With proper guidance and mentorship, we can shape our path better.
With lots of helping hands and voices coming up across the world in different Covid management requirements, we think there is a requirement in taking extra care in people’s future.
“Today’s decision is the future lifestyle”
Someone Unknown
Btw, who are we?
We, the team “Think-Digital”, are expanding our reach to those who are in need of any guidance to lead a better career.
In a nutshell, Think-Digital is a team founded by the students of SRM University in 2015. The team recruits the interested students over the talented ones to provide collective and personal guidance to develop their skills based on their interest and passion. The team has members right from the first-year freshers to the passed-out alumni who are still in touch shedding their experience upon their loving juniors. The juniors in team TD, get guidance from their seniors and they pass it on to their juniors and those juniors become the next seniors, and the chain is continuing.

We do not assure to provide you with lectures as such, as you will get a lot of it from your college professors. We curate roadmaps on different domains and provide guidance for Self Study. Thus encouraging you to be technical experts on not just what you know, but what you want to know.
This way, we cultivate all the skills required to work in a company, experiencing teamwork right from product development to kickstarting a business, with the management and leadership skills. At this moment of writing, our team is spread across the nation, with 50+ people working in different companies and still staying in touch with our team, providing updates out of their experience on how the industry is transforming.
Our idea is to extend this support for people in need across different colleges and schools. We are currently looking for leads who can take up their initiation to implement this vision in their school/college. Please feel free to refer your friends or cousins who may be in other colleges or schools.