Read until the end, to find out the hidden key to your future!
Every mid-week, I get boosted up writing a new letter for you.
It’s a short letter. So, read until the end, to find out the key to your hidden future!
Btw, I’m not writing this from Bangalore. The plan got cancelled, and this week has also been quite packed up, and the clock is ticking at the moment, 1:28 am already, and I have to wake up at 5:30 am to pick up some people from the railway station. That’s not it. I have a long day coming my way!!
1:29 am
I see two sides of my life right now! On one side, it’s quite enjoyable, writing down every mid-week to ensure sending letters to you. On the other side, there’s a life full of sound and fury, from which I’m almost filtering 99% of what I want to share so that you do not get bored (and sometimes jealous ;p) of my personal life incidents and the sarcastic fun I have every day! I’m not sure if you’ll be interested to read about my personal life lessons that are worth sharing!
Let me know.
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Have you taken your first step towards your passionate career?
There’s no doubt that college students are passionate about their careers. But, why doesn’t everyone takes a step towards it?
It is the lack of awareness – about what exists so that they can explore at will!
For example, a career doesn’t always have to start with Java Development. There are numerous other opportunities.
Most of those areas are unexplored because it is not known to exist. In your vicinity, it may be hard to know what exists on the other side of your world.
I strongly believe in mentoring, that it can set you up with light, and expand your vicinity! That’s where your “Need for a Mentor” kicks in.
A mentor is not always a person; mentorship is not always about one-on-one!
Being part of a community – every individual is your mentor!
Observing your seniors – every move of theirs teaches you a lesson!
This can be your first move towards your passionate career!
Write your questions or doubts to me! Let’s discuss!!
Our first Ad-Hoc Meet-up!
Kunal and I had a plan to discuss a few things over a call.
But, a second thought – what happens if we speak by calling?
Both of us will find insights and act upon them from there.
What if we keep our discussions open for anyone from our known circle?
Idea! Inspired by another meeting organised by Sudharsanan, Kennet & Sakthi
We thought of meeting offline, and set it open for people to join.
It’s an insight for other practitioners and an inspiration for the aspirants.
We also had Surajit, Krishna Chaitanya and Poorvasha joining us for our first ever ad-hoc meet.
Here’s a quick audio excerpt from our conversation, that tells about what’s this concept of ad-hoc meetup all about.
Such meetups should happen more and more among the students!
What do you think? Making these, as a series of meetings to enlighten the aspirants is dope stuff, right? Wow! Let’s do it.
As the next one of the series, I’m visiting the SRM Ramapuram campus for a meeting with Raghul and Sowndharya. Here’s a quick peek into the details.

If you’d like me to conduct such meetups with you, please leave a comment here. That’ll be amazing!
If you are somewhere around the campus and want to be a part, please click on the poster above.
Here’s the key to your hidden future

Recently, I’ve messed up my daily routine due to the unplanned changes in my stay location.
This never affects my office work, but the things I do away from office work.
My Office work is fuel to my future for which I have the top priority, but the things I do before and after work destines my future.
For this, I need to keep up the routines clear.
I find routines to be a powerful medium for shaping up the future!
Your future is definitely hidden in your daily routines! What a powerful truth! Isn’t it?
What do you think?
The below image is a quick screenshot I had taken from this very own app. How cool is it, right!! You should definitely use this to take screenshots.

The Story of Chex and Chnoex
Wish you the best week ahead, good day!
G Surendar Thina (gsthina) 🔭 | 🌏
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