My biggest mistake during project management!

Things you can avoid during your product scope change!

How motivated I am, to send you this letter, after weeks!

I’ve been undergoing a shift in my priorities and redefining a couple of things in my routines. I put the newsletter to a lower priority and did think about dissolving it a couple of times. You would’ve read enough about it in my previous letters!

Wish you get the most out of my newsletter, before it’s dissolved!

pink ceramic mug with love print

This week, I wanted to share a huge mistake that I have realised recently while setting up scope for a product in my club.

While discussing products, I used to confine the scope to a bare minimum of features.

Though it’s what we needed for our product and we called it an MVP, the deadline was never met.

Scope Mistakes I used to make :

  1. I used to think that reduced scope meant fast delivery.

  2. If a method is simpler to me, any developer can implement it.

Does reduced scope mean fast delivery?

Quantitatively, yes! However, the reduction should not be subjective to my understanding alone, and the change in scope must be as early as possible.

If you reduce the scope to 5 tasks instead of 10, then fast delivery may be expected. But, you cannot reduce the scope of the project by changing the functionality of individual tasks.

Does dictating your developer to follow your method solve the problem better?

No! Not everyone has the same thought process. Give them the freedom to choose a method and complete the work. There’s always room for improvement and a time when it has to be shared.

Let’s drill down the above using a real-time example:

If I have a requirement to showcase the team members list based on the selected year and then based on the profile click, a new list of members who work under the clicked profile will be displayed. Any profile from the current list will be clicked and kept going on and on.

  • The scope cannot be reduced by changing the click behaviour to open a popup with the profile details. This will be added as a new task and not as a reduction in scope.

  • Also, when you want them to implement it using a specific DS, which may be easy for you, it is high time they ignore it, as it may sound hard or uninteresting to them. So, let’s allow them to do it their way and provide suggestions later if needed.

What does reducing the scope of your project mean to you?

Is fast delivery a myth when reworking your scope? What’s your opinion?

NOTE: The more you engage with this newsletter, the greater your probability of winning a lucky prize for the New Year!

Community Update

The recruitment process for 2022 at the SRM University Student Chapter has begun at a good pace.

Here are the workshop logistics for this week:

  • 1st Nov – Machine Learning

  • 2nd Nov – Internet of Things

  • 3rd Nov – Web Development

  • 4th Nov – App Development

  • 5th Nov – Graphic Designing

All these session recordings will be listed in the master you portal from the next week. Do signup and get your access for free.

Master-You Sessions for you this weekend

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