I have a confession to make

It’s time to take a call. Will my confession enhance your experience?

Hey, please read it (care)fully…

Starting a newsletter was one of my dreams, and I have started and tasted the best and worst of it so far in the 34 weeks of newsletters!

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Every week I have something exciting to share with you. Initially, there was no urge to do it. I loved sharing the happenings with you all, and in fact, this newsletter was a primary source of content for my other social media handles; sometimes my social media posts have been good sources of content for my newsletter too.

shallow focus photography of white shih tzu puppy running on the grass

I used to spend 4 to 6 hours a week writing emails to you.

I love the process of extracting the insight out of my brain, scoop it out using my typing hands to serve it to you with care.

However, week after week, I started seeing this medium of communication as a matter of numbers & metrics. More than enjoying the process of writing to you, I started feeling this to be an obligation, even if there was nothing much happening in that week worth sharing.

MacBook Pro near headphones

Regular writing enhances your interest and helps in writing better content efficiently.

Now, I spend less than an hour creating an email with good content. However, the process feels vague now, even though it consumes very little time in a week!


The purpose of the newsletter is still unclear to me. I started it because I wanted to start one. I guess, it’s time to take a moment retrospecting the purpose. Yet, the decision is not solely in my hand, as you and the other 150+ subscribers are connected with me through this every week.

person in black shirt holding white paper

I badly needed a pause in running behind writing weekly, checking the metrics and unsatisfied with it. After thinking for a week, I took a pause for a week. It didn’t make any difference. But, after a week, I skipped writing again which still feels ok, because I needed a pause from everything that I was running behind, and it could take time.

One more thing is that, at this stage my team Think-Digital requires a higher attention from me right now. The Master-You sessions, new leadership roles, recruitments, reaching out to colleges, finding collaborators, and being there for the members every day to clarify their doubts and help them with their action points.

JustPause over JustPass

Now, after being away from writing emails to you, I realize that writing newsletter itself was a purpose that drove my weeks when I felt low and drained mentally. Writing to you helped me revisit my week and realise things in life. It also helped me derive meaning out of every occasion in a week.

person holding compass facing towards green pine trees

Just pausing to retrospect is better than just passing through the numbers and metrics and lose the quality or purpose

As of now, I write random content here, with no defined scope yet. I strongly believe that the newsletter should be meaningful to you people. Hence, I should narrow down the purpose of this newsletter and then enhance it.

Numbers are not important when you drive with a purpose. To start narrowing down the purpose first, I’m going to narrow down the subscribers’ list. I’ll be removing all the dead accounts. If you’re reading this email, you’re not removed for sure.

Action Point

After trimming down the subscribers list, I will send out a survey to ensure you are in my list, and also to enhance your experience with this newsletter.

black pencil on white printerpaper

Your valuable inputs/suggestions are much needed for me at this moment.

Thank you for sticking to my letters. You definitely mean a lot to me! Keep in touch!

Yours Lovingly,

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