How did I build Think-Digital? (In a Nutshell)

From a Designer to Manager, I’ve had an interesting journey to share!

Too many family functions clubbed together. On one hand, it’s good that I was able to manage it under a single unplug. On the other hand, it’s not that good as I have almost lost track of my usual routines.

A lesson for you: If you are packed up with family events that you can’t avoid, plan your work ahead. You’ve got to schedule things! I wish I had scheduled all my posts, tweets, and emails.

Since nothing much happened during this week, I can’t share anything worthwhile that happened recently, I’d like to share how I managed to build Think-Digital in SRM, during my bachelor’s degree in 2013.

How did I build Think-Digital at SRM University?

My career interest started as a graphic designer. I used to create logos, posters, etc using PhotoShop, and promo Vfx videos using After Effects.

I designed every day, almost all the time when I was back in my hostel room.

When Sumant Sahney happened to see my work (I used to post a few of them on Facebook), he recommended me to the IT Association SRM (ITA). I joined there.

I was given a chance to become the Technical Head of ITA in my second year.

I had done some club-related tech work, and helped organize a few events, including #TheGamingFest by Dheeraj Anna (who was our ITA head back then)! gathered great exposure there.

Then, I started working for other seniors on the campus from other clubs.

Work became hectic in the 3rd year. I couldn’t do them all by myself. By this time, I was given another opportunity to work as a Technical Organizer in ITA, which was a relief. I had to manage a couple of people to get work done from ITA

I was constantly in touch with my juniors and trained them in the tools I knew in design and VFX.

When there was no work from ITA, I referred my juniors to take up the work I used to get from other seniors. Slowly, I started shifting my pace from doing the work to delegating the work.

Juniors from ITA were not enough. Hence, I recruited more people—not based on their skills but on their interests.

I trained them with all that I knew back then. I delegated the work to them.

Through this cycle of recruitment + training to delegate work, I could build a community of students who were bonded by a senior-junior relationship.

That’s how Think-Digital, SRM were formed!

Many thanks to Ritesh Bhat, Rohan Anand, Dhruvi Goyal, Poornima Diwakar, Makrand Pawar, who believed in me during the initial days of building up the team.

I couldn’t include so many details here. Leave a comment with what you’re interested in knowing more about.

I recently came across an article that said that keeping an email newsletter simple and neat can bring in more conversion, instead of dumping a lot of info with images. If you don’t think so, please let me know. Otherwise, I’m planning to keep the upcoming emails simple and test them out.

Until I see you next week, take care of yourself and the close ones around you!

Thank you,

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