This is not so uncommon. Yet, if you didn’t know how to do it, this post is for you
You know what! I just missed sending you this email in advance. As some of you already know from Instagram, I’m in a family function for the last week and will continue to be busy for this week.
It’s 9:48 am this day, and I’m writing this to you using my content from my blog.
Hope you have had a great start to this month!
Did you know, anyone can interview a company and it doesn’t have to be always you bring interviewed?
Yes, you can interview a company and not only the other way around, and you have to do it.
You definitely have to. Are you being so nice and thinking why you you should do it? Let me tell you.
Every company has given you experience through a lot of tedious steps to decide if you are the right person to work with. After all, you should research and validate the company you will work for.
You should always take some time to play, research, and understand if that company is suitable for you to work with.
The best place to start your research on any company is LinkedIn. In this present internet world, a company without a LinkedIn profile is not even a company. But do not limit yourself to the information provided by the company itself.
Better yet, list down the employees from their company page and find people who have worked for less than a year and more than 3 years. They can give you a wide range of information about the company. If you can, you can also find a person who has recently left the company and get to know more details.
Some basic information you need to look for:
🔍 Working environment: To get a picture of how you would work during your employment.
🔍 Work Culture: To understand if you would fit in seamlessly or if you would get a culture shock and need to drop a paper in the second month.
🔍 Projected growth: To ensure you have a visualisation of your growth in the company.
Here are some places where you can find the above details:
🚀 Glassdoor helps you read anonymous reviews of companies by current and former employees.
🚀 helps you build a better career through the most high-integrity insights and services like salary and growth levels & roadmap for the company.
You can use these two extremely informative tools to research and evaluate any company before applying for a job there.
If you are looking into a more prominent profile of a company, you’d also like to see its recent quarterly and annual filings to learn about its revenue and profitability. This saves you from any financial pressure or imminent layoffs.
What other ways do you evaluate your company, before you choose you to join one?
Not everyone who teaches is a teacher!
Every teacher is a reformer!
These are the people who contributed to my life, to who I am right now!
Someway or the other, these people have been my teachers and inspired me! I can’t name everyone, but these people are still notable!
I’m so grateful to have traveled with these people in my life.

Not just them. Everyone of you who interact with me, with my posts, emails etc are teaching me in someway or the other.
Thank you so much for being in my life.