Dad’s LOVE!

He asked me to call him after crossing Chengalpet. I knew that he was scared about the message that flooded across WhatsApp that the Chengalpet bridge is about to collapse. Lol! He asked to me innocently to call after reaching Chengalpet. But then what if something happens before calling..?? So he enquired about the distance and the time of travel from now on to Chengalpet. Seriously I still feel the love that he showed indirectly and innocently. Omg! Just amazing!!!
I understood the reason during that call itself. But I kept quiet covering all my gethu and then planned to sit back and watch the scene with adventure!! 😉
Bus stopped some where near Chengalpet and all of them were asked to get down. People started to climb down the bus. I just kept hearing songs and playing CoC and then I got a call. It was my dad only. He enquired if I have slept. I said him the situation, that is the bus stopped for the people to have something for the dinner. So then I expected him to start the matter of Chengalpet Bridge. But he never said that and I too kept quite. And I said that Chengalpet has been crossed and as that I had just noticed at that moment. I knew that the news was a fake message just flooded across the media to get people’s attention. Chuck it.! I’m having a happy and safe journey back to my home…!!!

Seriously I still feel the love that he showed indirectly and innocently. Omg! Just amazing!

Dad’s LOVE, not more than anything! 🙂

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