Solo travels are meant to be with the least luggages
The content of this letter is inspired by the Subtraction Experiment team. I’ve shared some of my inferences from the last weekend’s offline meet at Chennai – on 30th April & 1st May
The session was focusing everyone. But, I’ve written it for a different context with the essence of subtraction. Hope this helps you to lead a better goal.
Dear Human,
All our life, we’ve been accumulating thoughts, emotions & things around us and look where we are right now!
This content might be a little vague for some of you! If you are a college student or a college graduate unable to visualize what I mean, then skip to the next section.
Not being able to handle a simple gesture of ignorance by loved ones.
Not being able to digest hard words that don’t make sense to the one who doesn’t know the meaning of them.
Not being able to accept failure as a part of success towards a better goal.
This is how we have become by adding more to what we have. Now it’s the right time to start subtracting what’s not needed.
A simple comparison of life with a 1 monthly trip without money. We leave all the nonessential things and pick up only the ones that are needed to leave and return back home. So, you may have to leave the expensive shoes, as you may not need them always. You need to leave behind all the super suits or fancy dresses and pick up the essential ones.
In life, it may be a thought, belief, emotion, a thing, a person or a relationship with them that you may want to let go of.
Feel the necessity of deleting; add more space to what you need!
If this content feels vague to you, it is normal! If you are a college student or a college graduate unable to visualize what I mean, then read below to understand better.
Dear college students,
Divide your college life into 4 parts. Assuming that you are doing an engineering course, you have 4 years.
In your 1st year, you gotta explore things and keep yourself open to adding more to what you are, what you know, and what you have. It may be a quality from your senior, a new tech stack, a new skill or value, a new relationship, or a new anything that adds up to your growth.
The second year is your peak time to enjoy those add-ons. Get a lot of experiences out of them, good or bad. Ensure you don’t forget the insights and inferences.
Now, in your third year, you can strike out or subtract the unnecessary, that drags your energy off from your brain and soul! By this time, you will have all the things that are good for your life or for that moment.
In your final year of college, shart shedding off what is not needed for your goal from all the good you had. It takes real courage to do this!
The good thing is, we all do this someway or the other unintentionally. But,
it’s only when you realize the intention for your goal, you start uplifting your self yourself!
College graduates yet to start working?
Exhausting 4 years without realizing this intention is no crime!
Consider these four phases of your career with the above steps:
Hone Add-ons
Don’t blame yourself for landing a job that you didn’t want or the job that’s of a lesser profile than what you wanted.
Just give it a start. You’ll start understanding a lot about what is a market and the trends of job switching. You’ll also realize that –
job switching feels easier than getting your first job.
Yes! Once you are into a job, you know what you need to learn beyond your technical skills. Believe me, there is quite a lot more than your imagination. They are mostly the skills for your survival in the industry/market.
Once you learn the survival skills, you’ll get yourself comfortable with the flow, and look forward to pacing up your career. This is where you’ll hone your relevant skills to master your field of interest.
This phase is also a phase of add-ons. You keep adding more to your life, like status, the desire for respect, and new things that you had always wanted but your parents didn’t buy for you, a new set of people, and relationships. Once you experience all these, at a certain point you’ll realize the importance of your self and reach a point where the transition will start to happen!
This is the transition phase! Once you realize the importance of your self, you’ll be tempted to force delete some of the things from your life. Take time to go through the transition.
It’s worth living a life of values & standards than with regrets!
Once you learn subtracting, you start seeing your potential.
It’s like, you freeing up some of your disk space, and clearing the clutters in the /tmp
directory. You’ll open up to utilize more of your computing power.
The next phase is unknown to me, as I haven’t been able to visualize it yet. Wish I write it to you soon!
After the event on 30th April & 1st May, last Saturday I met our Think-Digital Team in the college, where I shared some of these perspectives on subtracting.
After this, I drove back to my native, Kombai. Sunday was quite busy with office work. Of course a paid weekend work!
You know what! This weekly newsletter keeps me going, in spite of all the chaos throughout the week.
Reflecting back on my week and sharing it with you provides me clarity on what I am going through!
Thank you for being a part of my journey!
Hope you liked this week’s content. Do share your feedback with me.
Recommendations for you
Thank you,