If you join one of the Top colleges, getting a job is guaranteed!
This is a General Misconception among College Students, mostly fed by parents and other relatives.
Everything starts with their limitation that they know Everything about the current opportunities!
They fail to explore further more than their assumptions, and eventually miss out on the best surprising opportunities someone would meet ahead!
This leads to an assumption that students getting into a top college will get a bigger job offer than the other colleges.
But, what’s important to note is the efforts that are needed to put before graduating.
Without effort, it’s going to be merely impossible to move ahead in anyone’s career.
Dear students,
Don’t wait for the last minute to learn and rush up for interviews, which could cause frustrations.
Start preparing yourself early in your college days. It not only helps you with more time to prepare yourself but also reduces a lot of frustration for stepping into a career.
A major problem is the lack of awareness of the professional career, which’s causing frustration.