2:32 AM @ SRM Back Gate

1:37 AM

“Dei., kosu kadikkudhu da…”  (Oops, Mosquitoes!)

            “Current illa da…!”, Mukesh whispered.   (There is no current!)

“Haiyo., deiiiiii….” (Ohh., god!)

“Time evlo da..?”, Kamalesh murmured. (What’s the time!?)

“Irru modile la paakkuren… Deii.. Mobile enga da…! Adappavi…!!” (Wait., I’ll see in my mobile! Oops, where is my mobile!?)

 “Chuu.. kosu… poaa…”, Kamalesh shouted out in anger. (Phh., Mosquitoes)

                        “Deiiii., saavadikkudhu da…” (It’s killing bro…)

 “Heyy, Tea irukkuma ippo..?” (Will there be tea now?)

            “Kandippa irukkum da!” (Ya., sure bro!)

“Vaangada Tea kudikkalam!” (Come., let’s have a cup of Tea!)

            “Naan Ready!” (I’m Ready!)

“Okeyy., cool… let’s go..!


            I found my mobile under my bed after Mukesh calling it, confused how it was possible to go under my bed. We convinced Kamalesh to have a cup of Tea. We canvassed about the taste of the Ginger Tea. I wore my T-Shirt and said, “Oh My God, the mosquitoes!”. The traces that it left on our body was uncountable.  I scratched my hands and walked near the window and was just amused by the cold breeze. “Wow, It’s raining…!” I exclaimed. John hearing songs and Pramod using his laptop at this time, made me think if it was a dream or maybe I might have seen the time wrong. I pinched myself and made sure that it was real and checked the time again. It was all happening for the first time. John has never been awake after 10:30 PM and Pramod switches off the light lately by 11:30PM. Then convincing myself that the time is 1:42 AM and left the home to get one of the best breezes of Chennai.

1:46 AM

Yesterday, at this time we were getting ready to play. We played Cricket on one of the dungeon roads in Potheri. Potheri the best holiday spot for any SRMist like me and Mukesh, who are just interested in having Daily New Experiences. I always wonder the way we both are. We are just the opposite, but that makes us fit and suitable for everything, from wasting our college hours to utilizing our free time. This blog is no way sufficient to explain who we are in a combo. All my blogs collectively shows it. Oh., I’m going out of context! See.. he makes me crazy.. lol.

Dogs barked, Bikes passed, No current, Moon Light!

“Let’s go to the Lake Road!”. Better luck next time! Tea Anna will be gone then…

We walked like tortoise, hoping that we wouldn’t get hurt by the street dogs. We escaped all the suspicious dogs and saw that shop opened. They never sleep or what? They have no home. Poor people. But they earn a lot during the nights and just the nights. The cost of living is double if you live in the nights.. ha! We walked through the lonely road. A car slowed near to us and the driver asked for the way to SRM Hotels. I felt to kidnap from them. They looked so luxurious. But then they moved further once I explained the way gently. Then we got an idea to take a pic that was really looking haunted but actually amazing. Then there came a selfie click under the night lamp post. All the lights of SRM are 24×7. Then we approached the main road, the NH 45 called GST Road. I felt awesome for this name of the road when I stepped inside the campus and saw the road map at one of the corners of the campus. We walked towards our left in search of the Tea Keeper and walked past the Shuttle Bus Stop, then the Main Campus and then Potheri Bus Stop, I saw someone waving the hand with a white thing. Making myself sure that it was the Tea Keeper, I shouted in excitement, “Heyyyyy., Tea Anna is there…”. Then with a curious look, Mukesh and Kamalesh tuned to where my hands showed and then we went closer and closer. You might think that he disappeared…. But no.. lol. We met him and asked, “Anna., tea irukka!? Coffee vandam!” (Anna., is there Tea? Not coffee!).

1:59 AM

Then we bought the Ginger Tea and I can proudly say that I paid the money for it. Because Mukesh never allows me to pay for anything when we go out for and to be frank and to shut all the mouths that ask us if we don’t ever fight or not, it is the only thing that we fight for. Such an Idiot. We had 2 sips of the Tea and started walking back to the room. It was raining and that made this night an awesome one. Cold night – Hot Tea the best thing ever that could be experienced when you are out of all your money. We walked all the way back till the same lamp post, where we took the selfie. The Tea Keeper crossed us and went for his further income. We thanked him for being so late, which was the reason we could make a long walk and experience the rainy night in Chennai. A thought came to my mind, “There is a connection in anything that happened in the past to anything that is happening at the present”.

To be continued…

Thank You all the fans and supporters! Happy to hear from you that you are waiting for my blog! These Part by Part incidents have a twist in the next parts 😉 Keep supporting. You are the most valuable asset I have in the world of blog 🙂 

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