Valentine’s day mess up!

Each year on February 14th, many people exchange cards, candy, gifts or flowers with their special “valentine.”

“Enna vazhkka da…!?” [Translation: “Gasp! What a life!?”], he banged the table with his 3 thousand rupee notes and 4 five hundred rupee notes. It was the bill paid for him and his friends (4 girls and 3 more boys). Yes! It was his treat for his success in love <3

After seeing this awesome scene., I just had a noon walk in my college campus…

I had to see many number of people who had wore their mask of happiness. Some of theirs might be original and permanent. But as long as I have noticed, they all were just a temporary use and throw mask.

Then I found some dirty pigs under the bushes of the park. Some indecent creatures inside the canteens. In the name of Valentine’s day, SRM has opened shops for all creatures along with humans. Most of them were pitiful. The dresses that they wore.. omg! Just a mess up. No idea if they were standing steady or handing upside down in a storm.

“Please! Just take this. Don’t ignore it please!”

“Wtf is it! Just go away *****. I never thought you in this way. I didn’t behave with such a feel in my mind”, she shouted.

“Just listen, open this once, and you decide!”
the conversation continued…

Then I entered the University canteen to have some snacks with Mohan. I could  see some girls eating their boyfriend’s arms. lol

Everything was just a mess up. The basic rules they put for the teenagers…. the colour dress code. It was said as below:

  • Blue – Going well, free now and Applications Accepted!
  • Green – I am waiting for you only!
  • Orange – Going to propose.
  • Black – Rejected proposal.
  • White – Sorry dear, I am already booked! (Heart Full)
  • Yellow – Broke up.
  • Red – Two side, Already in love!

I feel this to be the most messy thing on this day… It could be just for fun…
but… what’s the need of it?

If it was really needed, then would you tell…

Those working the industries… must be ready to accept applications, as if they have no job…!

Those in the insanity ward… must be waiting for someone…!

Those construction workers… must be going to propose instead of going to building sites…!

Those beautiful Muslim girls… must have got rejected by someone…!

Those priests there… must have been booked…!

Those gurujis… must be growing beard for their love failure and not for their God…!

Those saints there… must be counting cashes rather than rolling the beads over their fingers…!

It’s not that I’m against love! But against these useless beliefs.

For all those fake lovers., if you can just stop loving her then you never really loved her at all. Love doesn’t work that way. If you ever truly love someone, then it never goes away.

If you can just stop loving her then you never really loved her at all. Love doesn’t work that way. If you ever truly love someone, then it never goes away.

Posted in Exciting, Thoughts to ShareTags:
  • chill my friend 🙂 Everyone has their own definitions, let them be!

    7:13 pm February 24, 2015 Reply
  • Yaa., I understand that and I do respect it! This is just a view from my mind! 😉

    4:49 am February 25, 2015 Reply
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