Roadmap to Enter Your Dream Company in UI/UX Design

Entering the world of UI/UX design can feel daunting, especially when aiming for top companies. But don’t worry! I’ve got a tried-and-true roadmap to guide you on this journey. Whether you’re just starting or looking to enhance your portfolio, this guide will help you make meaningful progress without getting stuck on perfection.

The Problem: Perfection Paralysis

We often get attached to our first project, striving to make it perfect. This mindset can hinder our progress. Instead, focus on creating more designs and gaining diverse experiences.

✅ In the initial days, do more and more new designs, rather than focusing of perfection.

✅ It’s not a crime, to start your UX journey by creating design clones of existing products like Spotify, Prime, YT, Ln, etc.

✨ With this, you’ll almost get to an understanding of some basic design standards. Even if not, you’ll at least become curious of why they’re designed that way; and you’ll ask your questions.

✅ From there, you can then start enhancing or improving those clones gradually to your interest and liking, to come up with your own version of those top platforms.

✨ Now that your portfolio is filled with the home work you’ve done, you can now start taking on some volunteer work for some of the companies of your interest.

✅ Pick up a few product based companies that have launched their own products.

✅ See if you can rework their designs, and showcase the problem you’ve solved there.

Isn’t that a great way to enter the companies of your dreams?

It worked out for me, and it will work for you.

Because it’s very rare to find such efforts from college students these days!

If you’re struggling with this process, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m just a DM away, and your Community is here to support you every step of the way.

Cheers 🚀

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