Was it mine…? They took it away…!!

I just thought I got it the second time! When I got it after three months, I just felt awesome!! But I planned to party all day

 ( Night actually 😛 ).

When you actually expect something to happen and it doesn’t happen, you wait for it till the end, and finally you lose the hope and go on in your way!! But then you get it at weird times and feel the happiness that you might never expect.

Profile Picture Changes….

Status Changes…..

Disappointing Expectations!

-10:30hrs Time!!

Shivering Fingers!

Tensed Mind!!

Heavy Heart!

Tearing Eyes!!

<<Everything changes>>

 We get the best feeling possible!! We forget stuff that we are doing. Forget our works, exams, but never our duties… The duties that we feel worthy is… to be happy with what we had got =D . It’s really awesome to feel the minute changes that  you really get yourself. Just pause all your feelings, the tension in your mind, thoughts on what you had got. Feel the change that you undergo… First.., the curious eyes…. then., the sharp nose… then., the cute lips that holds a tiny smile that means a lot… the chubbier your cheek becomes… then., the throat that swallows little… then., the chest that goes up and down periodically… then., the typing fingers…lol.. I think you guessed what I really meant.. =D

Yaa… I got the text…. and whatsoever mentioned above… noch-keinen-studienplatz-eine-whatsapp-nachricht-koennte-abhilfe-schaffen

But then.., the great thing that disappointed me is when I clicked Viber on my mobile and found the following text…

Please don’t text to ### again.

###’s dad

Posted in Personal
  • oops.. That’s very unfortunate !!!
    Though the thoughts are very well worded 🙂

    3:54 am November 9, 2014 Reply
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