Message for Students during Recruitment

A student should validate what the company is, from the company’s employees of their role before joining.

During a Recruitment,

How much a company tries to impress the students is sometimes quite hilarious; they start marketing about their company as if we were the VCs going to fund them.

Most of these companies who are selling themselves; to bulk-recruit their new employment force are quite ironic about their standards before and after hiring.

Students are being forced by parents directly or college peers indirectly to get placed in any company, regardless of what the company is. Most of them are satisfied with a salary package that is better than their friends/family members. So the students do not have an idea about exploring the company’s background. They just tend to go for what company they get.

It’s their unawareness of corporate life, that makes this difference for the students. Can’t blame the company here. It does the best to express their positives to ensure that a student joins with no fear for their career. But, how can a student know the neutrals/negatives of the company?

A student should validate what the company is, from the company’s employees of their role before joining.

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