A lot has happened in a couple of blinks. 👈 Click to read more.
It has been an exciting week! You know the reason, don’t you? If not, I will tell you.
After releasing the first newsletter last week, my mind had been jumping up and down, excited, looking at the growing stats of the community! Now, it’s all set!
Unlike the other occasional public posts for Free Subscribers, the full content of this email is accessible only for the Premium members.
Thank you for being a foundational block in my growth!
What the Week!
Feel free to jump to a section of your interest!
6 selfless principles to recruit in a Students Club in Content of the Week
Reflecting Feedback 2021 in Weekly Highlights
Treating people right in Socially
January Shoutouts in Community Updates
Recruitments in SRM in TD Community Updates
Internship at Figital, LOVE PEACE JOY LIGHT and PUROCARE ECO+ in Recommendations
Content for the Week
6 selfless principles to recruit in a Students Club
Be transparent about your plans and confident about your vision.
This was a late realisation for me, but I want you to know it early.
Being transparent builds trust. Trust is everything!
Your vision should be shared, evaluated. Delivering them to your audience is vital.
A vision has to be visualized, not just spoken!
Explain the reason why you’re recruiting them.
You’re recruiting them for a reason.
They’re here to join the club for a reason.
Talk about the Win-Win outcome of joining the club
Ensure that they understand the responsibilities after onboarding.
A new member without an assigned responsibility is like getting a premium subscription and not using it at all
Onboarding a new member and not assigning responsibilities is like letting a closed-eye person into the deep woods without a compass.
Take care of the results, as it shouldn’t offend them by any chance.
A result should always be growth-oriented.
A positive result is a definite growth to join, explore and gain exposure.
A negative result must be actionable individual improvements.
Find ways to add more value to the ones who aren’t selected.
Selected people will get a chance to witness your worth.
Rejected people do not get to witness it; they speak more about you.
Spread positivity, share improvements and silently market your club!
This one is not for everyone, but I ensure this! I wish to pick up all the 3rd and 4th years who apply in expecting some kind of exposure before stepping into a career! I feel this to be an additional chance for them to grab that exposure that they have been lacking so far.
Which of these principles did you like the most?
Reflecting on Feedback 2021 | Weekly Highlights
Do you remember the Feedback form I had shared with you a couple of weeks back?
Your responses were genuine and indeed helpful to making life-improving decisions. I would’ve responded back to you in person if you had mentioned your name! If not, that’s alright. The ultimate aim for the feedback form was the anonymous cloak that was given to you! 😉
Let’s jump into the content for this week!
Treating people right | Socially
Key to treat someone right is to ensure that he/she doesn’t get offended by your words, actions, or body language, during any conversation
January Shoutouts | Community Updates
In the first week of January, I woke up to see this message on my WhatsApp!
It was indeed a shoutout to many of us; I want to give out a shout of the same! A big shoutout to Kunal Keshan, B.Tech – 2nd Year.
It’s admirable, how you keep yourself organized.
When you are here in this world to give, the best thing you can give is a shoutout!
That’s not it. Another one for this month!
A huge shoutout to Rohan Kumar, B.Tech – 2nd Year.
It’s heart-touching, how you build up the community vision!
I dedicate the next section ”TD Recruitments in SRM” for you, buddy.
Recruitments in SRM | Community Updates
The team has been working eagerly to reach out to a greater audience. The splendid work by our members, especially of Media Domain took to a great number of people to share the recruitment info.
Grabbing audiences online have always been challenging. We used to h ardly get 100 registrations online in the past. Being offline on the campus has the advantage to perform class-to-class publicity, posters in the hotspots of the college, extensive word-of-mouth, along regular online updates. And, we used to get ~300 registrations with all these.
Guess what! This year, we have got a total of ~250 registrations only from Online for the Rec-Jan’22 – and we aim to onboard at least 125 new members to our TD Community!
Internship at Figital
This is exclusively for the 3rd or 4th-year students! Is anyone looking for a paid internship at a Startup?
You will be expected to work intensively across different tech domains from Angular, React front end, NLP, Nodejs microdevices, AWS Cloud and more.
Guidance will be given, but no teaching!
LOVE PEACE JOY LIGHT: Celebrating the journey called life!
Amazon kindle unlimited/prime members?
PUROCARE ECO+ Air Purifier
Hope you liked the content. Leave your feedback as a comment.
Thank you!