Are you a "People" person?

I was never this confident that I’m a “People” Person

So far, I assumed that people persons are meant to be the most actively engaging people at any point in time in any group, like an Extrovert.

Oh! wait. How are you all?

Writing after almost two weeks, I guess! Lost the count of days.

Chennai to Kombai

Drove 500+ km throughout the night. Great experience in driving midnight. It seems better. Almost reached home around 6 AM.

We wanted to visit our hometown and stay there with our parents for at least 3 weeks – long enough to make them feel enough of us, haha. jk. They’re constantly asking if we’re looking to relocate from Chennai to Kombai. No, that’s not going to happen!

Shh! Something exciting coming up! While my dad is almost nearing the completion of his Row Shops project this year, the mighty man has hinted that he’s on a mission to take up a major project every year counting from now.

Talks about our new cafe started coming up at home. We’re excited about it, especially Anu. Unlike the previous time, we want to ensure that the construction takes place under our guidance and support as well. Seriously, last time’s construction process was not that great. You know, being in villages – you cannot call anyone else from outside, but only the already well-known people in your dad’s network for any work. This time, I asked my dad to dump the blame upon me. I am fine with accepting those blames because they have nothing to do with me.

After pausing my content creation for almost a week, I’m gradually getting back to form. This is a Proof, hehe!

Alright! Are you a “People” person?

So far, I assumed that people persons are meant to be the most actively engaging people at any point in time in any group, like an Extrovert.

Of course, they can be people person too, but think of the below scenarios:

🤞🏼 Some people are energetic and engaging in friends circle, but do not speak a word in public.

🤞🏼 Some people are confident in what they speak, but they’re not aware of the facts and reality

🤞🏼 Some people have some facts to speak but do not have the credibility to speak what they speak

🤞🏼 Someone may be dominating their internal team, to get work done. But when given a chance to lead a whole new team, they stumble.

Though I’ve been working with people, enabling their career growth, and supporting them emotionally,

I was never confident enough to tell that I’m a “people” person, despite some people appreciating me for being a good people person.

I’ve been keenly observing my traits and kept retrospecting about them for months. And, here’s what I infer. There are two sides to this.

On one side,

❌ – I don’t speak much when we gather in groups, especially among the industry pro

❌ – Before I speak anything, I ensure that I believe in it, myself first.

❌ – When I speak, I make sure I do not beat around the bush, by sticking to the point that I have to say

❌ – I have never been able to dominate a conversation when in a group, but just add my points when required

❓ Does that mean, I have the trait of an Introvert? I don’t know.

On the other side, I’m able to 

✅ Deliver a speech in front of an audience with authenticity

✅ Ensure people are not hurt when I oppose their point or provide critical feedback

✅ Share my experiences with students in the way they’d listen, and persuade their mindset growth

✅ Allow students to take up the lead, and still drive the conversations when required

❓ Does that mean, I have the trait of an Extrovert? I don’t know.

💡 The choice is not between being an Introvert or an Extrovert, but by choosing to show the right trait at the right time 💡

I was able to be actively engaging, when I was with college students and keep myself quiet and calm while interacting with my seniors, mentors, industry professionals and experts.

Recently, I realised that I’m a people person, helping students to effectively deal with their problems, grow in their career and also ensuring it contributes to the organisational goals.

Well, that’s how I’m a “People“ person!

I never got this confidence until I started working with people who were already entitled/assumed to be people person, just because of the above traits based on my assumptions about them.

I’m grateful for such people who come into my life, bringing in new self-awareness and also enable nothing, but some super good lessons for life.

Btw, are you a “People” person?

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Btw, look what happened at Think Digital last week!

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Yes, that’s TWENTY FIVE people put in an effort to undergo the process of initiating a payment, and paid money from their bank to ours!

Wow, how does that feel? Look what a Community building expert commented on this milestone post.

It’s super great to witness our people breaking the barrier of money in building a sustainable community!

Thank you for reading through.

See you in the next one soon! Byee!

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