Here’s what has happened to sum up this QTR
Guess what, a quarter of a year is over!
Phew! It feels like, I had started writing Newsletter just a few weeks back. Just that those few weeks are into months now.
After the open meet amid the hot sun, we distributed the goodies to the best performers and took the pals for the lunch!

It’s high time, to pause sitting behind the screens and hardly expressing our emotions! We had planned an offline all-hands on the campus for the first time with the first-year students!
Looking at every face reminds me of myself sitting there! I wish I could once again go through that phase of my life again in the same college, with all the experience I have gathered from there.
Nothing can be as nostalgic as meeting your fresh juniors!
Before I begin, let me share some great news!
OUR COMMUNITY IS GROWING… and here is the proof!

A lot happened on this day, a lot! Right from being late, car battery drain, meet with 3 founders, driving back ~35kms to a late-night drive of ~40kms!
I have a few interesting conversations to share in my upcoming Newsletters! For now, this letter is all about shoutouts and milestones!
Apologies, this letter is purely for Think-Digital Community folks!
Huge Shoutout to Kunal Keshan for #100DaysOfCode
In a world where no-code frameworks are booming, being passionate about getting dirt with code is not easy!
I guess Kunal’s habitual discipline is a core reason for this achievement!
Of course, each of you can try this out. It brings a sense of discipline to our everyday activities.
Keeping up a consistency of 100 days deserves a respect!
100 days is 3 solid months and 10 more days.
This is more than a quarter of a year!
Not for the sake of 100 days, he has built up good projects during these 100 days.
One of the projects of which I am very well aware is the mkd-blogs.
You can find the series of creations of the mkd-blogs below.
Internships are challenging!
Getting the right internship is not an easy thing! That too getting paid internships are even challenging these days!
But of course, an internship that does not pay you is not an internship, it’s a friend-ternship!
There’s another type of internship, that demands you to pay. That’s a scam!
It’s lovely to hear our 3rd-year guys getting recruited for internships, which in turn is a job offer too! Almost placed, isn’t it!
Hearty congrats to Harshit, Hardik, Muazam & Pratyush!
Nominations Y22Q1
How do you think, we read and hear about the ancient kings and their battles?
In the olden days, people used to write about their king or leaders which has lead to inspiring mobs.
But, for you as a leader who is going to write your story? Of course, you have to write; that’s a lot of different things which we can discuss later. Remind me though.
For now, with an aim of identifying what others have found in you, we have launched the Nomination forms. Thank you to everyone who filled out the form to nominate your peers!
Q2 Nominations will open up by Mid June!
Y22Q1 Milestones:
Youtube Contents
1 External Project Completed
Onboarding 60+ new members
Y22Q2 Goals:
Impact 100 more students in and outside of SRM
Finalize Rentyaar, Drawlead & Codelance framework with TD
Identify more companies to collaborate with us
More details in the next newsletters… Stay tuned!