While Chennai Recovers…

Let’s find the good, amidst the bad.

While Chennai is recovering from the recent disaster, we’ve fully recovered! ✨

If you’re reading this now, you’ve also probably fully recovered from the disaster.

🙏🏼 Let’s be grateful for the fast recovery of our surroundings!

👇🏼 Here are some positive impacts of this disaster in my usualness 👇🏼

✅ Got more “Family” & “Friends” time!

✅ Dedicated more “Self” time!

✅ Improved my “Portfolio” Website!

✅ Attained more “Intuitive” Creativity!

✅ One Week of “Discontinuity” from the job!

✅ Utilised the “Opportunity” to speak with our Community Members!

🍏 See the good ones, amidst the bad ones!

🍏 Find the Best from the Worst!!

Did you find yours?

What were your positive impacts during this disaster week?

Cheers to your findings!!

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