Breaks are meant to be used when required

Don’t skip them; Do this instead!!

Hello, Fabulous Folks! I hope you’re receiving this at your best!!

The last two weeks have been super packed. Here’s everything summed up for you to know. I kindly invite you to join me for the upcoming events.

In this newsletter,

  • I’d like to share my views on Career Breaks!

  • For the first time, I took a holistic approach to portfolio building. I’ve spoken a bit about it in this newsletter.

  • Also, for the first time, I’ve initiated something exclusively for college students. Read further to learn more about it.

  • The community has now got 5 new perspectives, check out how!

Let’s dive in!

career break is normal

Breaks are meant to be used when required ⚡

Don’t skip them! Do this!!

✅ Take a break frequently to keep up your focus!

✅ Take a day break, to keep up your work balanced!

✅ Take a week break, to unplug yourselves from everyday chaos!

✅ Take 2 weeks of break, to recover completely from a deep work routine!

✅ Take a QTR break, to start your next startup, after learning from the previous one!

✅ Take a semester break, from your career before you switch your domain completely!

✅ Take a year break, to figure out what you want, after graduating!

Anything is great, everything is possible! ✨

Utilize them when required. Don’t overthink!

Breaks are meant to be used when required.

😎 The longest break I had ever taken was 2 months – during my job switch from the company that I got placed to the one that I’m working currently!

❓ When was the last time you had taken a long break, and how long was it? And, what does a break mean to you? I’ll read your answer in the comments 💬

👉🏽 If you’re a student who’s worried about not getting placed by your 3rd or 4th year, while your peers are getting placed, I need you to read this once again.

Please share it with your friends who should read it!

The foundation of any portfolio is to first discover yourselves! 😇

Your portfolio is much more than just a website or an online profile.

Had a super amazing experience, helping students to build their portfolios, – my first cohort of the Portfolio Building Workshop! I’m grateful for this amazing start with the first cohort of students. 🙏🏽

Portfolio Building Workshop by gsthina, G Surendar Thina, Think Digital

It was a 2 days workshop.

On the first day, we laid a foundation for building a portfolio. On the second day, we did a hands-on workshop demonstrating to build a personal portfolio website.

3.5 hours of absolute value 😍

And, Can you imagine – it’s just one-third of what a complete portfolio is!

🤯 Phew!

Sometimes, you are amazed at your own output; it happens only when you do it.

If you’re a college student, and you wish to build your portfolio from scratch, don’t think much.

Leave a comment “PORTFOLIO” below, and I’ll send you more details about the next cohort.

🚀 Cheers to your yet-to-build Portfolio in Advance!

That was not it.

Nac Meetups for College Students 🚀

Here’s the first-ever No Agenda Coffee Meetup, exclusively for the college students of Chennai. Students from different colleges like Sathyabama, Hindustan, SRM University, KTR & Ramapuram came by.

A photo was taken after the No Agenda Coffee Meetup, exclusively for college students.

The goal was to have literally “no agenda” to catch up with some of the passionate college students across Chennai.

It was nice listening to you people Rushil, Prasanth, Niranjan, Poovaraga, Jaffer, Raghul, and Renganathan!

A lot of chit-chats, rants, support, and conversations about life and its happenings!

Rest Assured, What Happens Here, Stays Here! 😉

If you’re a college student in Chennai, and looking forward to joining such meetups in the future, leave a comment “NAC” below, and I’ll keep you in the loop.

group of passionate college students pos
ing for a screenshot during a online meeting

Bringing new people into the community is the best thing to do at the weekends!

5 new people = 5 new perspectives

The best part here is, all 5 are MBA freshers.

Providing a warm welcome was one of my duties last weekend, and our team helped me do it well.

Aruliya Asokan Krishna V Aruniya Asokan Adhavan Ponram Sruthi Rangarajan Anubala Balasaravanakumar – These people helped me welcome our new set of passionate college students!

I’m so glad to have onboarded these people – Ramya B Kokila R Karthikeyan E Isha Roze .A Arunkumar 🚀

The speciality of these people is that they have been great fans of our community, and have been part of all the events and initiatives so far. That makes them the best fit to volunteer for the community!

I’m really excited to build this community with them!

Two things that are assured for them: Success & Growth

They’ve started getting exposure right from day 1, and will start building their connection at their best. They’ll continue to build their career like a pro!

Btw, if you’re one such passionate student who’d love to grow with us, do fill out this form, and we’ll reach out.

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