My First Podcast Experience: A Conversation Filled with Insights and Inspiration

Public speaking and podcasts often come with a certain degree of nervousness, especially if it’s your first time. That’s exactly how I felt when I was invited to speak on the Stupidpreneur Podcast Series, hosted by Shashank SN. What started as an uncertain moment transformed into one of the most engaging and fulfilling experiences I’ve had. Here’s a little bit about that journey, how it unfolded, and why it’s a moment I’ll cherish.

From Connection to Conversation

Shashank SN and I had been connected for about six months, but it wasn’t until recently that we finally had the opportunity to dive into a meaningful conversation. It’s funny how you can know someone for a while but only really connect when you start exchanging thoughts and ideas. That’s precisely what happened in this podcast episode.

We’ve all experienced moments where casual connections turn into something more profound, and for me, this was one of those times. Just a couple of weeks back, Shashank reached out, and the next thing I knew, I was preparing (or more accurately, not preparing) for my first-ever podcast appearance.

What Was I Going to Talk About?

Right before we started recording, I was in a bit of a dilemma. Should I talk about my personal journey? Or should I drop some “value bombs” for college students and budding entrepreneurs who would be tuning in? I didn’t have a script or any solid preparation. I wasn’t sure how to strike the right balance between sharing my own experiences and providing value to the audience.

But sometimes, the best moments happen when you don’t overthink or plan too much.

The Host Who Made It Easy

Shashank was an incredible host and the reason the podcast didn’t feel like a typical interview or pressure-packed discussion. He has a unique ability to make his guests feel comfortable, creating an environment where opening up comes naturally. As the conversation unfolded, his thoughtful questions guided me to share both my personal story and insights that would resonate with college students and aspiring entrepreneurs.

It was a conversation, not a performance. And that made all the difference.

Shashank’s approach is what makes his podcast stand out. He’s not only a talented interviewer but also a humble, down-to-earth guy who juggles multiple roles: from running his newsletter and podcast to managing a full-time job as an entrepreneur. His work ethic and attitude are inspiring, especially for students and young professionals looking for a relatable role model.

What We Talked About: Disclaimers and Hard Truths for College Students

During the 90-minute episode, I found myself reflecting on many of the challenges and realities faced by college students and early-stage entrepreneurs.

  • Disclaimers Galore: We touched on several important disclaimers for students. The world is competitive, and the path to success isn’t always linear. We discussed the importance of managing expectations, staying grounded, and working hard without being swayed by the myths of overnight success.
  • Hard-Hitting Truths: Shashank and I didn’t shy away from discussing some of the tougher realities of starting a career or a business. From learning to cope with failure to understanding that success often takes longer than expected, we laid out some truths that many students may not hear often.

These moments of raw, honest discussion were some of the most rewarding parts of the podcast. I was able to draw from my own experiences and share insights that I hope will help students prepare for the challenges ahead.

The Conversation That Didn’t Feel Like a Podcast

The best part of the experience? It didn’t feel like a podcast—it felt like a casual chat between two people who were excited to exchange ideas. There were no formalities, no pressure to “perform,” and that allowed the conversation to flow naturally.

For anyone who listens to the podcast, I think you’ll feel the same vibe we felt while recording. It was genuine, relaxed, and, most importantly, filled with value for those tuning in.

Shashank SN: A Humble Inspiration

Shashank has been doing some incredible work, not only with his podcast but also with his newsletter and entrepreneurial ventures. What stands out the most about him is his humility. Despite his accomplishments, he remains grounded, approachable, and focused on providing value to his audience.

For college students looking for inspiration or early-stage entrepreneurs seeking guidance, Shashank is someone worth following. He’s an example of how you can pursue multiple passions, manage your responsibilities, and still stay true to yourself.

First Podcast Experience

This podcast episode marks a milestone for me—my first-ever podcast appearance. And while I’m proud of how the conversation turned out, I’m always open to feedback and improvement. Public speaking and sharing your story can always be refined, and I’m eager to continue learning.

If you decide to watch the episode, I’d love to hear your thoughts! Let us know how you feel about the conversation and whether it resonated with you. Did you vibe with the topics we discussed? Was there something that stood out or something you’d like to hear more of?

Feel free to share your feedback and suggestions, as they’ll only help me grow and improve for future podcast appearances.

An Experience to Cherish

Being invited as a guest on the Stupidpreneur Podcast Series was an incredible experience. It gave me the chance to reflect on my own journey and share insights with students and entrepreneurs who are just starting theirs. I’m grateful to Shashank SN for creating such a welcoming space for open and meaningful conversation.

For those who are interested, be sure to check out the full episode. I hope you find value in the discussion, and I look forward to engaging with you on your thoughts and feedback.

Cheers 🚀

P.S. This is just the beginning for me in the podcasting world, so stay tuned for more. And don’t forget to subscribe to Shashank’s channel for more vibe-filled conversations that are sure to inspire and educate!

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