3 Life Lessons from my Dad

This is why my Father is my First Teacher

In this Letter: Best of this week, Detailed Content of this Week, Survey of the Week, Recommendations of the week, Last Week’s Survey results

Though I had my weekend duty last Saturday, the weekend was better spent with my family and cousins! Watched 2 movies, that too in theatres after a long time, haha! Since our marriage, it is the first time Anu and I went to a Movie.

You might wonder if Tindel was also with us. No! For the first movie Vikram, she was with Anu’s sister and her Mom, who were going to watch the same movie in a later show. For the second movie Veetla Vishesham which was a remake of the Hindi movie Badhai Ho, Anu’s sister, her Mom and I left Anu and Tindel at home to watch the movie. haha, this was also for the first time after the marriage, I’m watching a movie without Anu!

A pleasant surprise, as a Father!

For this fathers’ day, my Wife made a video on me silently and tagged me on Instagram! I was smiling throughout the video, and by the end, I laughed out loud by looking at my atrocity, which my wife had captured a few days back!


3 Life Lessons from my Dad

Among a few thousand lessons from my dad, I’d like to share the 3 lessons that are important for all of you in your life!

You might have already found this on other social media, but I’ve briefed the three lessons to the scope of this newsletter!

Three Weapons for Peace:

“Whatever the situation may be, 3 weapons to fight for a happy life: patience, calm, tolerance!”

The three might feel similar, but when you understand the differences between them and start practising them, you win!

Keep up patience when you are still grinding your work consistently without losing your interest or getting fed up with not finding success!

Stay calm when you witness the people achieving so early with comparatively lesser efforts!

Possess tolerance in situations that put you frustrated or people who trigger your emotions!

In any context, you can relate to these three and stay strong to maintain your inner peace!

An uncomfortable safe zone:

“At any point in time in your job, if your mental health is affected by any external means, even if everything goes as unexpected and if you are not able to find possibilities, I’m always there to back you up!”

Though it might sound as if he asks me to give up everything and he would take care of me in a safe zone, it left me uncomfortable about staying in the place that affected me, and the essence of his words was a massive catalyst to my willpower!

It’s when you have a free state of mind, that you will be able to think better. Even in the exam hall, when the deadline approaches, the handwriting goes weird, and analytical ability drops down!

Even during placements, you must have observed that once you manage to secure an offer, you’ll end up grabbing multiple offers! But, to get that first offer you may have taken more time than the rest of them together! It is because you are put under pressure to secure at least one! Once you are placed, the relaxation that you are already safe is a leading factor for your ability to grab those multiple offers!

Curiosity without wits, kills:

“There will always be something that tempts your curiosity about girls. Think twice before you take actions!”

When you think, ensure that the action you take is happily shared with your parents and also makes you happy when you remember it at any point in future!

Right from your childhood days, you’ll be curious about things happening around you. It’s your parents who put a barrier for you from exploring those areas. Not their fault, they were grown that way! You should respect that.

I guess I’m lucky to have my dad and mom as my parents because regardless of their growth, they allowed me to explore areas that poked my curiosity. My dad, more than my mom, is an open-minded and practical thinker. The guided boundaries he set for me were quite flexible based on situations (contextual fluctuation). Most of the people I have met in my life cannot adhere to this, including my mom.

The dialogue quoted as the third point above is the guided boundary that he set for me to explore and still ensured safety!

I’ve been remembering these, and I started sharing these with people every time I get a chance! Today felt like an apt day to share it with you all.

My Dad has always been, and will be my First Teacher!

Your Learning Motivation?

A quick survey for you to take part

Last week’s survey results at the end!


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